Sunday, January 11, 2009


woah it's been that long since I last posted on here? I knew I would make a less than decent attempt at writing this blog in contrast to my tragic facebook addiction.

So what has happened since my last post?
Well it would be too long to tell everything so here's the summarised version:
Made heaps of new friends, lost a couple of friends too
Been very confused and desperate about dating, love and relationships but gaining new ideas regardless. The guy I was talking about in the earlier posts? well we're just friends and doing alright so yay!
Been doing much better at uni unlike this time last year gah
One of my friends is going to Italy for one year and I'm gonna miss him like heck.
Other uni friends are currently overseas...lucky them.
Speaking of which, I DID went to USA and Canada last July which was an awesome time and I miss those countries sooo much. Wish I could have used this time to blog my random happenings during that holiday but alas. BTW didn't end up going to World Youth Day.
21st Birthday went off to be much bigger than I expected. Although I wished I did it at some place like World Bar or a private venue, it looks like everyone had a good time in the end...I think.

Yeah looks like alot. Meh.
Goals in 2009?
- Lose weight
- Learn to cook more recipes and do EVERYTHING on my own instead of being lazy
- Forget about stuff that I regret...they're happy with each other and been together for a VERY VERY long time and they will get married and all that...yeah MUST FORGET
- Get a steady boyfriend
- save alot of money for overseas

Hope I really do stick with it this time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

More music quotes

Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. ~Maya Angelou, Gather Together in My Name

Were it not for music, we might in these days say, the Beautiful is dead. ~Benjamin Disraeli

There's music in the sighing of a reed;There's music in the gushing of a rill;There's music in all things, if men had ears:Their earth is but an echo of the spheres.~Lord Byron

Music is the poetry of the air. ~RichterIf I were to begin life again, I would devote it to music. It is the only cheap and unpunished rapture upon earth. ~ Sydney Smith

Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. ~Ludwig van Beethoven

I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours. But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality. ~H.A. Overstreet

My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require. ~Edward Elgar

Alas for those that never sing,But die with all their music in them!~Oliver Wendell

Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. ~Charlie Parker

Life can't be all bad when for ten dollars you can buy all the Beethoven sonatas and listen to them for ten years. ~William F. Buckley, Jr.

Music cleanses the understanding; inspires it, and lifts it into a realm which it would not reach if it were left to itself. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Save what you can?

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach

I don't know what's weird or crazy about me. I guess everyone got sick of my rants.
Just don't know who to turn to. Who can I turn to now?
Relying on the music and touching lyrics to sooth my stress...
would it work?

I don't know why I am like this. But what can I talk about. I am not a good influencer. I'm pretty sure lots of people think I'm a freak. And that I talk funny and stress alot.

I know I do.

Why can't I get my mother's genes? She's so popular and friendly with everyone. Well my dad's kinda social. At least he's not a freak.

I hope no one reads this.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm trying not to be insecure. And I'm trying to hide my feelings.

But I can't help it!

I reactivated my Xanga blog a couple of weeks ago but not really in the mood to use it again like back in the HSC days.
During the last week, I did work experience at Pacific magazines where I helped the Marketing assistant and Marketing executives in various petty jobs. By the end of my second day, the marketing assistant told me that the petty stuff that I did over the last few days were what she usually did when there's no one else to help. That made me reflect alot about what I did. At the same time I was also frustrated and confused about my choices. It's a possible path to a never ending list of bad choices that I made in my lifetime. Somehow, I don't feel like I followed my dream at all. In fact I know I didn't. Sometimes, I look back and think of my childhood as a miserable waste when I could have done something that may expand my skills and assist me in a direction. Something like music classes (piano, violin, flute, guitar). Extend my writing skills, do poetry, write a few articles for random stuff. Perhaps do arts and crafts or design, expand on my drama skills and/or do amatuer film making or maybe have the courage to do public speaking and get more involved instead of relying on volunteering for crap.

Looking at some of the people I know, they claim that they've done nothing but looking at what they did, it is still a better purpose than mine. In fact they have done so much more that I would kill to do if I can go back in time. Maybe even try out again for that crappy junior school choir.
I don't know why I'm sympathetic to the people in Arts degrees. I find what they do as a fascinating source. Philosophy, creative writing, linguistics, languages, poetry, history.
Why didn't I choose Modern history back in the HSC and risked by doing Chemistry? Anyway, their discussions and musings of the randomness of anything is intriguing and hooks me in to a greater length than any of the Business major I'm doing right now. Especially Accounting and Finance.
Fuck guaranteed employment. I would rather do something that I might be able to discuss more than sitting down and staring at numbers all day long till your eyes turn bright purple.

I wish I was an Arts Student, or with higher marks, an Arts/Business or Arts/Law student...too bad UTS doesn't offer Arts/Business. Just Arts in International Studies/Business...maybe I will do Languages for my sub major after all.
Finally one thing I've noticed is that alot of people I know often confuse me as an Inner Westie then a South Westie. I don't know why but I like that compliment.
Anyway to my friends who might read this, you have not wasted your life, you have done so much that is inspiring to alot of people out there who have a clearly undefined direction in life. I just wish I could say the same for myself.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

oooooh oooooh woah i miss you

that rolling stones song is catchy as fuck.
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh

dear dude

i love you. i miss you. i know it's been nearly a week.

i know we only met twice and been keeping in touch through facebook and msn messenger but dammit i can't stop thinking about you. and DAMN you get so much connections. going out to parties, dance like a freak, get drunk and stoned. the epitone of such a lifestyle

seeing several of my uni friends going around pashing anything that moves is giving me slutty vibes too. all the time to be fucking honest. in contrast to the high school friends. some are ok but most of them aren't doing alot really. damn i miss those guys. not as much as i miss you of course.

in a way i also feel sorry for you. that girls just play around with your emotion.
when we do it, i won't throw you out. we'll cuddle, hug and kiss all night long ok?

everytime we talk i just want to say "let's fuck". i bet you are good at it. it'll probably be an amazing and sensual experience.

sometimes i just wish life is easy and breezy without any troubles or horrifying consequences.



Friday, March 21, 2008

Random stuff

Update on my life: as of 3rd March, I officially quit my job. However I still haven't got my reference and I haven't been bothered to return my uniform yet. Friends reckon I should burn it. Looks tempting.

1. Business marketing is shit. The assignment is killing me and I probably screwed up the interview cos of my messed up questions and her lack of knowledge on operations and the features of the offering (what is an offering anyway? i know it's the product but dammit). Need to find a way to fill up at least 2700 words. Consumer behaviour is great. For now. Either way I'll probably do better here than doing an accounting or finance major. Might consider HRM, International Business or management.

2. Haven't gone to Liverpool Westfield for a LONG LONG TIME. Since I stop having shifts two months ago. Went there last night and it was a bigger shithole than I imagined or even remembered.

3. All the bands I like are playing again! Wow I sound like a kid.

4. I need a new job and move out.

5. Dave McCormack is a legend! Yes that Dave McCormack. If you weren't twice my age and engaged, I would marry you dude.

6. I do have short-term memory.

7. Hope Youth Group dudes release their album with launch etc before I go to Canada and USA in July. If not, hope they're doing US and Canada gigs around that time.

8. I'm still addicted to tacos and pho. Nice match eh hahaha.

9. If anyone has cheaps V Fest tix, that would be so awesome.

That's it for now. and I have a cold. Stupid climate change.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Random survey #1

Tell Me About Yourself - The Survey
Current Location::shittown (sadleir to be exact...or liverpool)
Eye Color::brown
Hair Color::dark brown
Right Handed Or Left Handed::left for many things, right for playing guitar
Your Heritage::viet
The Shoes You Wore Today::thongs
Your Weakness::not knowing who to trust
Your Fears::failing my uni subjects especially now, rejection, failing at life
Your Perfect Pizza::supreme
Goals You Would Like To Achieve This Year::pass all my exams, find a hobby i'll stick with, lose weight
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger::lol, yeah, hehe, wtf, random
Thoughts First Waking Up::what the hell was that about?
Your Best Physical Feature::no idea. you tell me
Your Bedtime::after 1am
Your Most Missed Memory::90s...wasn't it cool?
Pepsi Or Coke::both
McDonalds Or Burger King::none
Single Or Group Dates::both are cool
Lipton Ice Tea Or Nestea::both yummy
Chocolate Or Vanilla::chocolate
Cappucino Or Coffee::coffee
Do You Smoke::nope
Do You Swear::yes...fuck loads
Do You Sing::yes but not too good
Do You Shower Daily::yes
Have You Been In Love::yes
Do You Want To Go To College::already am
Do You Want To Get Married::yeah
Do You Believe In Yourself::not really
Do You Get Motion Sickness::nope
Do You Think You Are Attractive::dunno...whatdoyathink?
Are You A Health Freak::no...wish i was
Do You Get Along With Your Parents::yeah they're alright
Do You Like Thunderstorms::no cos they screw up the power, wreck the phone lines and flood your house
Do You Play An Instrument::yup
In The Past Month Have You Drank Alcohol::yes
In The Past Month Have You Smoked::no
In The Past Month Have You Been On Drugs::no
In The Past Month Have You Gone On A Date::yes
In The Past Month Have You Gone To The Mall::yes
In The Past Month Have You Eaten A Box Of Oreos::no but i really should
In The Past Month Have You Eaten Sushi::yes
In The Past Month Have You Been On Stage::yes (under the clothesline...dazza's backyard)
In The Past Month Have You Been Dumped::no
In The Past Month Have You Gone Skinny Dipping::no
In The Past Month Have You Stolen Anything::no
Ever Been Drunk::yes
Ever Been Called A Tease::yes
Ever Been Beaten Up::no
Ever Shoplifted::no
How Do You Want To Die::quiet, peaceful, possibly on drugs
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up::stable life, good income, good family
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit::any country in europe
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